Love God. Link with others. Learn to follow. Live on mission.

Acts 1:8 ....and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Worship in the Word - Table Talk - Heb. 13:1-9

Exploring how to "Be the Church in Containment" we have posted YouTube Live broadcasts on the church's YouTube channel.

To see, like, and subscribe to our YouTube content click HERE.

Link to PDF of message outline found HERE.

We pray this content is helpful to you in this unprecedented time.

Blessings from Emmanuel Baptist Church

Easter Activities

How to Make Easter Special in Containment?

Being the Church in Containment has physical constraints. In our time of containment is time to be creative. Let's find ways to celebrate the New Birth found in Christ with our community.

Churches like ours have been using technology to gather in worship. We can us technology to enjoy the fun of Easter with our church and home family.

In Celebrating Christ's Resurrection, let's have some fun. To have fun, we have provided an at home Easter Activity Packet found at the link below. The packet has information and activities for children and adults. These activities include a coloring contest, a word find, baking a Bunny Cake, and making Easter Tomb cookies.

We encourage your family to participate, take photos and post them to Facebook and the like; spread the fun!

All seeking to participate in the contests are asked to email scanned copies or photos of your submissions to for judging.

We have the choice as to what we do with this time. How about choosing to make this time special?

Let's make this Easter positively unique in this unique time. 

Links Follow: 

  • Link to Easter Activity Packet found HERE
  • Link to Easter Tomb cookies recipe directions found HERE.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

EBC Zoom Prayer Meeting

Emmanuel Baptist Church members, friends, and folks from our community are invited to join our online Zoom prayer meeting.

We will meet at 6 PM by Zoom.

Persons can participate by Internet capable device (computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) or with a traditional landline.

Join information follows:

Join Zoom Meeting (Join by Computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with Internet access)

Meeting ID: 874 675 5758

Dial by your location (Join by landline call below. If you pay long distance, fees will apply)
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 874 675 5758

Zoom How-To Help Page found HERE.

Monday, March 30, 2020

YouTube Live Broadcasts

Exploring how to "Be the Church in Containment" we have posted YouTube Live broadcasts on the church's YouTube channel.

To see, like, and subscribe to our YouTube content click HERE.

We pray this content is helpful to you in this unprecedented time.

Blessings from Emmanuel Baptist Church