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Acts 1:8 ....and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meet and Welcome - Pastor Guy Fox and Jessi

Potluck Dinner and Evening Worship Service

Sunday, March 8, 2015 Emmanuel Baptist Church will host Pastor Guy Fox and his wife, Jessi at a potluck dinner.  Pastor Fox is our special event, "If My People" Revive This Nation speaker.

The dinner begins at 4 PM and we will meet at the South Central Baptist Associational Office building north of the church on High Street. All are welcome to attend.  If attending, please bring a covered dish, salad, dessert, or soft drinks.  

Following the dinner we will met at the church for our evening worship service.  Evening worship will begin at 6 PM. The evening worship includes a time song led by our sister church, Valley Baptist from Middletown. 

Please join us to fellowship, sing, and hear a Word from the Lord.

Pastor Guy Fox

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